
   First, I'd like to thank Michele for offering to start this new web site and to everyone who has contributed photo's and signed the guest book.

    It's literally a photo gallery of my life with Styx.

    Being involved in AIDS research and my commitment to Equal Rights for All is as important to me, as is standing on stage with Styx.  I feel that the day I said I would live my life as an openly gay man, the world embraced my being.

     I've been given the unique opportunity to help make a difference.  My music and artistic talents have come full circle which manifested in my involvement with pediatric AIDS.  They have given a face and a voice to everyone of goodwill.
    As a former teacher,  I realize how important knowledge is.  It's a way to eradicate prejudice and intolerance that we continue to challenge every day.

    I've been living a quality of life I thought I had lost.  That safe space was recently challenged by the diagnosis of prostate cancer.  By drawing from my experience with HIV, I was able to face the idea of dealing with my cancer diagnosis. 

    I'm glad to report I'm cancer free as I type this.

    I imagine as the months go by,  this site will grow in the goodness through the fans who have so unselfishly given of themselves to make this site a safe place to dream.

    In the spirit of peace...Chuck


Chuck Panozzo's Bio from his Official site    
Chuck Panozzo's Bio from Styx World    
Copyright  2004-07  Chuck Panozzo's Place.  All right's reserved.   Site design by Michele Morkis    
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